About Us
Smart Pack was founded in 2005 in Aleppo, Syria, and then registered as a licensed industrial company in 10th of Ramadan City in Egypt in 2011.
Our company started in the industrial development, aware that quality is the biggest factor that ensures survival and provides opportunities for competition among international companies
packing machine in egypt, packing machines in egypt,
Through our commitment to quality, our company has become one of the first in the Middle East working in the field of manufacturing packaging machines and production lines. Our company adopts the latest industrial machines programmed in CNC cutting and cutting
All the products of the company have been built on the standards and standards of engineering begins with precision engineering study and engineering methods of scientific and technical modern, and the process of implementation according to strict standards and controls and uses the latest scientific knowledge of industrial systems, electronic and pneumatic
Mechanical system developed for working capacity of more than 24 hours modern industrial systems and advanced experience, quality, speed and workmanship
Smart Pack also participated in the most important industrial exhibitions specialized in packaging and exhibition in Damascus, Saif exhibition in Aleppo, Afro Pak exhibition in Cairo, Apax exhibition in Cairo, Khartoum international exhibition, Gulfood exhibition in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Smart Pack is one of the leading companies in the field of packaging machinery and liquid filling lines. 20 years of experience and continuous work to increase the production capacity of packaging machines Continuous and continuous after sales service Our partners The largest international companies
French company Schneider, Korean company LG, German company Visto Air, Italy's Motvario, Turkish Kamak and Turkish company Yilmaz
Company Headquarters Egypt 10th of Ramadan City 3rd Industrial Zone
Credibility in work and speed in delivery
We are distinguished by a team of specialized creative engineers. We always promise you the punctual delivery time of the machines and provide maintenance service, technical support, spare parts and after sales service.
We also have the appropriate and innovative solutions for packaging and packaging. You will be interested in our products:
- Packing and packaging machines for dry food such as sugar, rice, pulses of all kinds, shibsi, sweets and liquid such as detergents, cosmetics, pesticides and mineral oils. Powder such as baby milk, spices, flour, thyme and detergent powder
- Multi-head automatic weighing systems, high speed and precision
. - Liquid filling machines such as edible oil, juice, detergents and cosmetics
- Machines for feeding and sealing covers on plastic, glass and metal containers Adhesive sticker machines for circular and flat packaging Machines for filling bags and cement bags
- Printing devices production date and validity.
Continuous and continuous after-sales service and fast delivery
Always thankful for your good choice
God grants success